The men's GB team are in a tie break tonight to decide whether they or Switzerland go through to the semis. I'm a bit confused as to why GB do not go straight through. USA, GB, and Swi are all tied at...
This morning I went to hoover the car, got my feet tangled in lead whilst going down step and fell with hoover onto my gravel driveway. In front of bemused passers by. Cue sore knees and hands, and...
Lie to your Children! On the 24th of December at 5.20pm the international space station will pass over the U.K. lasting for about 3 minuets This will be a magical moment for children who will get to...
As the Government discuss changing the law regarding organ donation, are you for or against presumed consent. I have always carried a donor card and am registered, after my death they can have what...
I'm on BTTV and quite often buy TV series. I watch on a Samsung Full HDTV and have the choice of buying SD or HD programmes. I have bought both and can't really see any difference. Would you spend...
I need to wake up slowly in the morning. I also HATE being tickled. So if I am woken up by being tickled, this is going to make me feel murderous. FOR AGES. I know its only fun, but it really does...
want to order some dvd's from Amazon, but fear like before that i get ones from USA. found one i want but it says Region 1, does this mean its an import from the U.S as they don't play on my dvd...
Hi, can someone please explain iphones in simple terms to me. I want to buy a new phone - I have an old payg now, but I want to be able to go on the internet as I travel a lot on buses since losing my...
Mrs Hymie is due to celebrate her sixtieth birthday in the near future, and so will be eligible for free NHS prescriptions. Can she claim a refund for the amount she has over paid on her annual...
Just retrieved my old bike from the back of the shed where it's been languishing for a couple of years. The paintwork and wheels will be good as new with a wipe down but there are some rust spots on...
Am I being over sensitive, or is it rude when you take the time to thoroughly answer a question and the poster doesn't respond. Over time do you just accept it and does it effect whether or not you...
Hi, noticed that my Sony cassette deck makes a low humming noise when turned on, even though not near nor connected to amp. Not sure if this is normal or something that needs looking at. Thx Tony...