Would someone please confirm that 25dn is as simple as LESS or have I something wrong. The clue is - Losing book, thrash minor (4) L?SS and also that 22ac is NOMINA where the clue is - Names back leg...
Only missing two letters but can't find so would appreciate help. 25ac - Gold producer finally going to meet taxmen in place above ground (6) ?UDAIR and 18dn - Cantata initially cut according to needs...
Stumped on 23dn. Fish person served up in African tin (6) DO?RAS. Would greatly appreciate missing letter or correction if I've gone wrong somewhere. Thanks.
Help please. Is 7dn - Nurse leaving mess under stove is provoking for a woman - AGACANTE and is 16dn - Tell a porky on a day for all to see - wait and watch LIE PERDU? Could I have the answers to 18dn...
Please help with last two and confirm another two: 19ac - For some, handle is what's at the front of sentry box (5) S?ELE 22dn - Before entering youth made a make-shift fort (6) ?AER?? 34ac - Cut...
Last One,
25 Across, Any distinct quality making up a fraction or proportion,or contained in a sequence,series, etc. (4) T??M
Many Thanks in Advance...
I submitted and have one wrong. I suspect it was 27a. Drills used in coniferous trees, one's heard (7) S - E - E -S I had SKEWERS. I couldn't see the connection, but I submitted anyway. I'm pretty...
8a Many a luminary these times is deceased. (4) 11a Inordinate need to indicate. (6) 18a Fall to spring perpetually... as noses twitching annually? (8,7) 28a The brain behind the brainiest quiz. (10)...
Help with last two please. 24dn - Composer, 50, is 26 after variation (5) E???R. Clearly this looks like Elgar but then 26 would be I?/G?A? with the clue - Ready to move home with personal possessions...
Last one and three not sure. 27dn - Australian gents chat in India perhaps (4) A?OO - looks like ABOO but why? 32ac - Woods in India heads off when uoung lady shows disapproval (7) S?SS??S - I've put...
Help with last three please; 20dn - Climber is a short nervous boy above us (6) C?SS??; 26dn - No longer save cask I flog without record (5,two words) B?T IF; 32ac - Barely tolerable second bowl of...
Can't see the last two and would like to hold onto what little hair I've left so would appreciate some help: 3dn - Staying in resort that's economical out of centre (6) S?A??G - don't really see...
15A Loyalties that are relatively important (6,4) (??M??? T?E?) 18A Delete the first letter in Gaelic (5) (??A??) 1D Standing charges for car-drivers (7,3) (?A????? ???) 4D It may be used to sort out...
16a) Suitable position (5) N?C?E
40d) Inhale through the nose (5) ??I?F
26d) Of pleasing appearance (9) A??T??TIC
33a) Rugby Coach (4,6) ??A?, ??NE?N...
23d Pale and black bits evenly distributed in meringue? B - I - -
28a Church congregated around new material for bonding? - E - - - T
Help much appreciated, thank you!...
Just the two left in bottom right hand corner: 53a Appeal to wise member of tribe (5) O - - - E; and 46d Dramatist's extremely snobbish about The Birds? (7) S - - - I - N Any help greatly appreciated,...