25a dithering Bob pens will inside two years (6-9) s?i??? ??????ing
23d Irishman\'s zanier at heart on the whole (5) ????l
16d Get to 23, perhaps, with point docked (8) E?U?????...
Last one, 30a. Arnold Schoenberg, Alban Berg, Anton Webern, among others: ?e?e?a?h?n?s?s. Must be something -ists, but I can't work it out. Grateful for your help.
Help please with 29ac - Relative of senior officer employiing valet with hesitation (6,6) I have C???I?/G?R?A?
Also 25dn - He stumps Dickensian halfwit getting runs after opening of test (7) T???G?R...
12d Meeting held between 8:24 and 8:34 (5)
15a How one gets a lefeless reaction from one liver, say, I visit in New York (13) ??O?G?N??????
Many thanks...
help with these please and thankyou in advance 19 DOWN Put under pressure to overcome specific gradient(8) ?T?E?I?E 31 AC-Corrupt program may need to be blocked by Control (11) R?I?S?A?L?? 27D-...
Stuck on last two - the answers are "occupational surnames" 1 - A fraud, a cheat and a swindler who entertains nevertheless 2 - He is always waiting for someone Any ideas gratefully recieved.
25ac - Old poet finally dropped, gripped by spasm of the chest (8). I have T?O?A?I? and can only find thoracic but can't link that to spasms. Please advise.
If 40ac - After journey, gent went to sleep is "Got off" then 37dn - Batsman who's not out (3-7) has me beaten. I have ?o?-s?r?k?r. Presumably ? striker but what please.
1dn - PM working on the radio (4) P?T?. I assume the answer is Pitt but don't see the connection with the radio. Could I have a correction or explanation please? Thanks.