8d I refuse to admit catching bird - its what I am (8)
31acr March to ground, having dropped in old website (4,4)
27d Three of them make Yard charge time (4)...
19acr Nosy, trendy question that's about visit abroad (11)
17acr Express a view, one about mathematical ratio (5)
21d Writer Dorothy swallowed one nut (5)...
10acr Mike's not in broadcast passage (7)
17acr Harry West crossed river in tartan trousers (5)
8d Arrange seats to cover start of Kentucky horse race (6)...
1d Encourage female to collect oriental paintings (7)
11acr Bishop tolerated dreadful old racket (10)
9acr We settle (about time) in marsh, for instance (7)...
7d Man, unknown,accepts English mum's drug treatment (12)
10d Former heart throbs repaired old amenities (7,5)
14acr Cheers also entertained lots interminably (6-2)...