Will the tech team please remove the attchment pop up ads that have been cunningly concealed amongst the various topics on the site? It is getting ridiculous now, i don't know how the site thinks it...
For the past two or three weeks I've been getting an awful lot of error messages when clicking links on AB. A new window opens up saying "This is an error page. Please contact the system...
Has anybody read the follow up book? Any good? I doubt if it would ever match the original, but as it has remained with me for around 40 years, I'm curious!
This was an example presented on a 'clearer english training course'. "You are all invited to the residential on Tuesday". I think 'residential' is an adjective so the sentence is missing an object or...
There is a combined blog post up under "Editors Blog," which features the double whammy of not only the Spare Ed but also The Big Ed. We will be avaible for a chat 4.30 onwards in "AB Suggestions,"...
one thread would be started in Body & Soul and the daftness stayed in there , why now have we to suffer half a dozen or more unfunny idiotic attention seeking threads from greenie trolls trying to...
A suggestion for my fellow ABers: Check this blog out before deciding whether or not you wish to reply to Scanning's questions. (He's at it again) Some of you may enjoy contributing and it's hardly...
It was written as if by an old lady, feeble and in a hospital bed. It was adressed to her nurse who I think treated her with contempt. The point got across was that what the nurse saw was but a husk...
After todays awful news about animals I saw this and just thought aaaaaaah. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/arti cle-1196854/Big-cat-nap-A-lion-lioness-spotted...
Thought you all might like to test the age of your brain Japanese brain age test. 1. Touch 'start' 2. The numbers 3 then 2 then 1 will pop up on the screen. Immediately following the number 1, several...
Why is there not a facility to delete or even star out the masked F word? I'm fully aware that there's many folk who will be able to get round it, and you can't possibly delete them all but surely the...
Okay so this is a very odd question but I need the information, so... I'm trying to identify an interjection typically used by... erm... acrobats...? at the moment they've successfully accomplished...
At the end of the BBC's broadcast of Churchill's funeral, I recall Richard Dimbleby reciting a poem, obviously specially written for the occasion - all I can remeber is the last line, I think it was...