Hi guys I need help with 3 if anyone has these, 7 down (6 letters) - simple weapons S _ _ _ _ S 8 across (4 letters) - eye up H _ _ E 11 across (4, 3 letters) - not very P _ _ _ _ O O Many thanks in...
Good morning! A friend of mine suspects her email contact list has been 'hacked'. I have no idea what that means! Any ideas about the best course of action to take? Thanks for any advice offered....
Daily Mail Prize Crossword No 14001
7 Down: Priest gets to embrace rabbi and other churchmen (9 letters)
I have: P-E-C-E-S.
Go on friends, embarrass me!!! (Thanks in advance)...
Is it just me today? I can't see what the answer to this is!! 1 down. "Aware of his status, it's what teacher prefers!" 2 words, 5-9, -L-S-/C-N-C-O-S. (Class something? Close something? Put...
1a "Top surgery? It's blooming awful without oxygen" "L-B-T-M-S--- (12 letters) 14a "A city abroad hosts a king and duke (supporting figure) (8 letters) Please bear in mind I may...
I don't suppose I'm in the correct section here, but here goes!!! Can you recreate the German letter O, with two dots above, in Arial font? I'm reading through a dissertation, for a friend, which uses...
3 Down. Black cat goes first in vault. T-T-. (4) 6 Down. A diluted English accent. A-U-E. (5) 15 Down. Destroy 26 area? That's crazy. E-A-I-A-E (9) I know I'll be embarrased, but better that than...
Does anyone have any ideas? 1. Shakespeare was very good at producing these for his plays (6) 2. Failed on your first attempt, now for .... (4,1) 3. Jack Tar was very able (6) 4. Impasse (6,3) 5. This...
This word is too long for me! "Vague words by foreign legionnaires guarding heart of Bath" -E-E-A-I-A-I-N (14 letters) I know it will be easy and I will kick myself, but I just can't see...
31a the largest island in the caribbean, situated at the entrance to the gulf of mexico (4) _ _ _ _ ? 27d large fishes of twhe genus Seriola (10) a _ _ _r _ a _ k _ any help is greatly recieved as...