I just LOVE this programme!! Whenever it is on I just wonder off into this mad kiddies world where everything is so cosy and smily!! Im 30 years of age and i bought myself an iggle piggle. When i saw...
I really love Steve Carell!! I dont rate him as a brilliant actor but I do love him. Most people I know hate him, what do you think? At the moment I cant stop watching 'Little Miss Sunshine' It is...
I watched an awesome programme a couple of weeks ago which had the funny woman in it from loose women and a fit guy with a beard. They had to live their lives as 17th century people and it was focused...
assuming you're part of a couple, which side of the bed do you sleep on? I'm asking as on Big Brother the male of a couple got into bed on the left side and Mr Boo said "which bloke sleeps on the...
Hi. Ok, where to start. I'm 27 years old and thinking about going into nursing. I left school about 9 years ago and have been in the same great job ever since school. I didn't manage to get my highers...
looking for a movie i saw about 1998- 2001 somewhere around that time i guess the film could be 10 years old maybe less.. like 7 - 8 years old.... im very sure it was a comedy/romance film had a bit...
My mum has a letter written to her from her brother in 1944. Its written in pencil on pale blue "censored" army paper. sadly it's fading very badly especially on the folds, but obviously we would like...
Hi! can anyone enlighten me?!!! We have had 5-6 large wasps in the house over the last couple of days! Have checked the garden etc but no sign of nest. I have never known wasps to be this active so...
Morally, should the likes of Amy Whinehouse be given music contracts? She is hardly an ideal role model to youngsters and surely the fame and money is doing her no good. I think she should only be...
Hi There of lots of new names I dont recognise... ( so hi to you all)... but for those who I remember.. ( Doc, puss, mamma, dot, red, legend... and all the others..) I have finally done... I do have 2...
Hi! I'm a media student and I'm doing research as to why people enjoy or are generally fans of horror films? Why do you enjoy them? Thanks for reading my random question!
do you think it's possible for a house to be cursed with bad luck? ever since i bought my present pile eight years ago things seem to have been going wrong! right from day one i've hated the place,it...
This is just one of the odd questions that pop into my mind every now and again, but what do you think the world would be like if there was no such thing as money? I realise that the reality is that...