Really stuck so some help would be great, thank you. Q22 This girl belongs to HM (5.4.) Q25 a race which could involve the setters charity (5) Q30 this sport has finished without 5... ...
Answers as near as possible to their sound. No number of letters given. 2. S'useful and convenient. 3. Fake uncomfortable sensation. 4. Plus seventeenth circle vehicle. ... ...
Rhyming answers. Q16 narrow beam of light (5) to rhyme with word that can follow shocking and salmon (4) Phrases/sayings with vowels removed. Q10 THN SWRS LMN. Q17 S KLT NNTH CLOST. ... ...
I am stuck on a few questions and any help gratefully received. Thank you. Q29 Runs round in circles. 3 words. Q33 Do something unexpected, leaves people worried. 6 words. Q35 ... ...
Liz's Quizzes Rhyming answers. Q5. Yet to be married? Wrong (5) Word that can precede ball or roll (5). Q15 If 7 flies east & 18 flies north, what does 31 do? (8.3.5.). The last word has to rhyme... ...
Help please with the following questions. Q32 water transport 5.4. Q38. Outdoor playing surface. 7.5. Q43. Tommy's appendages. 7.4. Any assistance appreciated. Thank... ...
Christmas Theme. Films and songs. Help please as I am completely stumped on two questionsQ33. Magical children's story from recently developed county town. Q42. Assembly of like minded... ...
CHEESE AND WINE. I am stuck on 3 tricky questions so would be very pleased to have some help. Thank you. Q18 American or French wine (6). Q17 Could be a song (12.7). Q46 Soft... ...
Phrases/sayings with vowels removed. No 7. SPRSL. No. 10 MNFN FRM TN. No.18 NCHTS. No.20 PNCS TT NS. Would appreciate some help with these questions as I am completely... ...
Answers are as near as possible to their sound. Q17. Usual family transport Q31. Dash on two wheels, leave quickly her majesty. To all you clever people, I would appreciate your help... ...
Means of getting around Transport. As near as possible to their sound. No number of letters given Q5 Get through without competing pedal a 2 wheeler. Q17 Usual family transport. Q19 You and... ...
Hi I love doing charity quizzes but get very few around here. Has anyone got any contact details for any please? If the closing date has already passed that is fine as they may have future quizzes!...
Phrases/sayings with vowels removed.
Really stuck with 4 questions so would appreciate any help please.
'FLOWER POWER' Q18 You might want to pick a fight with him. (7). Q33 Sacred wine around Easter Time (9). All I can think of is Hollyhock but can't see what it has to do with Easter. So any help much...
Stuck on one question and would greatly appreciate some help please. Q10 Is one treated frigidly here, coming from the South (6)....
Rhyming answers. Q8. A Maine mountain (8) Sweetie or game (9). Q13. Airline restructuring can show style at the top (4.3.) Often dipped in tea (9). Q16. TV quiz show (3.4.). Name dropping in Monaco?...
3 clues to solve to find the answer. When read together they sound like a town or city in the British Isles. Harbour (4). Total up (3). Feathers (4). Help would be appreciated please because I am...