Come on get a grip! Who are these people complaining about what Prince Harry said in the video? **** is just short for for a person from Pakistan the same as Brit is short for a person from Britain...
Can you help, please, with 1a? We seem to be suffering with New Year hangovers!! 13 letters. Horse, for instance, giving top ride - classy when properly handled Possible letters are ??r???o?a???l...
95d Canvas shelter supported by framework (6) C?N?N? Thought CANOPY but 108a Brian Souter's sister is ANN GLOAG which gives me N for 2nd last letter, am I on the wrong track here? Thanks
10 ac Heap; of ugly women between Denniston and Carntyne? (7) (H???i?l) 15ac Newtongrange collieery, now home to Scottish Mining Museum.(4,8) (??dy,Vi???r?) 2d Both the golden and the sea varieties... 1/Russell-Brand-Jonathan-Ross-face-prosecution -obscene-air-phone-calls-Fawlty-Towers-actor-7 8.html Should these two face prosecution and even banned...
1ac Moo's appearance reported to be disconcerting (4) ?A?R 12 ac Dash off, having seized maiden in Scottish rout (5) F?E?E 15 ac Holy man, an apostle perhaps, produces tragic ode (8) ?T?S?M?? 10 d...
programme on sky real lives tonight at 10 about the public picking out a man and woman on a radio staion to get married, it was jk radio prog and he ended up marrying her! just thought some of you...