your right my ability to spell an my grammar is terrible thanks for reminding me.I guess thats what makes this world so special.Our amazing ability to always find the humour in other peoples...
i saw somewhere a pic of a dog with 4 back legs , i cant remember if it was in zoo or fhm or summin it was a j-peg (i think u call them that) any one know ?
my best mate is having a fancy dress party for her 18th on the theme of 'movie stars' and Im really stuck to what I should go as! I am a girl, tall and have brown hair- does anyone have any...
I was thinking of words that can have a letter added to the beginning to make another word (I was washing up, boring!) as in the word 'one' which can become bone, cone, done, etc. Can anyone think of...
People either don't smoke at all (like me) or they smoke a lot. At least a few a day. You never see someone having just one cigarette at a special social event (a cigar, yes, but not a cigarette). Why...
Abgesehen von ?Inselaffe? (die wirklich nicht sehr verbreitet ist), gibt es anderen abwertenden deutschen Phrasen f?r die Briten? Und andere Nationalit?ten (wie z.B. ?K?sk?p? f?r Niederl?nder)?
Why in Rainbow did Bungle wear pyjamas when he went to bed but then walked about starkers for the rest of the day and no-one said anything? How come everyone thought it was ok that Rod, Jane and...