weather quiz, effects,protection, results of etc 16. Strauss polka with No.17 (7) 17. Strauss polka with No. 16 (9) 21. L short of beinga tree (4) 26. Sign of not long wet not long dry (8,3) 37. Flying... ...
25. Strong alcoholic drink made from potatoes (8) 27. Quiet old fashioned look for the late queen elizabeth (6) 38. There's no E in our cat (9) 43. Not quite grandma and papa (6) 50. Fruit to the...
all answers are chocolate, cakes, bars or ice cream
33. Dating sites maybe? (11)
for south lakeland hydrotherapy pool, closing date 01 july, thanks in advance...
all answers contain PRO or CON 10. Bad behaviour (10) 14. Insignificant, unnoticeable (13) 15. Give and take (10) 18. Suggestion, solicit (11) 21. Contagious skin disease (7) 31. Terrace from a window...
5. A messy sweet (6,6)
19. A unwanted person is an idiot (10,4)
33. North pole sandwich (6,4)
41. A rubbish alien (6)
closing date 01 may, for Kendal food Bank, thanks in advance...
all answers are Bell related, one way or another. some letters are included 39. I'd like to think that this quiz might be considered "a fine example of its kind" other wise known as ... (1,3,2,1,6!)...
2. found near the sink? (3,5) 3. eels? (8) 5. these can be personal! (8) 11. quarrels (5) 15. an aversion to blood (3,7) 18. fish (6) 27 you can't play tennis in these! (5,5) 33. cads in central...
all answers have either IN or OUT in the answer 6. speaking in an indecent way (9) 10. a rough slapstick comedy (10) 22. to go and look in places for something (5) 24. a tubular structure made up of...
37. Cassettes attempt to make mother lose queen (8,4) 47. AG revised say, navy or sky (6,7,4) 48. Type of stone 500 with no hue (7,5) 49. Captain of a rubber boat (5,7) for TCRVHC for visually...
all answers have either EAT or ATE in the answer 13. Arousing the appetite (13) 14. Bread or Flour (10) 23. Make or become different (13) 32. Song by Donavon (3,2,3,5,2,4,3,2) 35. a boxer could be...
a single ord can be added before or after each word to make another, eg, ball, club, loose, answer is Foot 12. Nail. print, index 21. papal, terrier, market 22. side, tram, street 24. sick, spoon,...
all are in a rectangle 6. 3 shields with a cross in each at the top of the rectangle. 23. the words Best Before at the bottom of the rectangle.24. the LAND above the letter s with aline between the...
6. Not the smallest item in the kitchen (6)
8. A receptacle of no importance at all (6,4)
For lower holler bowling club, closing date 24 sept, thanks in advance...
2. Cleaning the floor with a bun (8) 6. Not a blackberry (7) 7. Acrobatic treat from the south (10,6) 8. seasonal colours (6,6) 11. Celebratory pastry (4,3) 19. Tape copse chicken (6,8) 23. a fat...
12. Most lost junction near South American Capital (8) 17. Smooth fabric mixed time (6,4) 21. does this naked sport skim across the water (10) 25. View the french differently (6) 31. Film follows...
all answers have Bill or Ben in the answer 19. gymnastic contortion (8) 31. FLYER (8) 34. harry potter character (6,9) 39. small type of snowdrops (6,3) for NW air ambulance, st johns hospice, closing...
all answers are from the old county of Westmorland 25. Which monarch visited Brough in 1895 (3,6) 28 Village high in 2 ways (6,4) 38. A street named after a joint in your body (6) 39. Who did the word...