New Oldham Cats Quiz Now Available Smelling Sweet Available by email - Or by post 1 Shawford Rd New Moston Manchester M40 5QU Cost £1 Prize £10 Closing Dates 1st...
A new quiz is now available for the Oldham Cats Charity – Un-festive foods £10 prize If you require this please send £1 & SAE to Taryn Goulsbra, 1 Shawford Road, New Moston,...
A new quiz is now available for the Oldham Cats Charity – Un-festive foods £10 prize If you require this please send £1 & SAE to Taryn Goulsbra, 1 Shawford Road, New Moston,...
Oldham Cats quiz 5 In Aid Of Oldham Cats Home - Closing Date 13th Nov 2009 Send £1 and sae toTaryn Goulsbra, 1 Shawford Road, New Moston, Manchester M40 5QU Cheques payable to either Oldham Cats...
Hi Down to the last clue on this rhyming quiz Mix well or just dip in? 2 word answer that rhymes - any suggestions please as this is now drinving me nuts Thanks Tazmac25
Hi All I have 3 clues left - can anyone help? Sundays suit (4) The best day of her life (5) George was one (4) I think either the first or last one is best but which one All the answers aew newspapers...
Hi thought I would re post this The latest Oldham Cats Quiz is now available Colourful Films - 50 questions - ?10 prize If you would like a copy please send ?1 & SAE to Taryn Goulsbra, 1 Shawford...
Hi All The latest Oldham Cats Quiz is now available Colourful Films - 50 questions - ?10 prize If you would like a copy please send ?1 & SAE to Taryn Goulsbra, 1 Shawford Road, New Moston, Manchester...
Hello just down to the last 2 clues and hoping for some help !! 32 Sounds like this will rectify itself? 36 Tiny capacity All the answers are related to schools thanks
Hi Just got the last question to finish this quiz A long walk and this wee dog lost the way The answer is 3 words long - sorry no number of letters and is a breed of dog Many thanks
Last one I can't figure out Lyndford Christie, Steve Redgrave and Zola Budd are all ........ (7,7) The answer will have something to do with Ear or aid in it Thanks in advance Tazmac25
Closing date almost here and Im still stuck on a dozen or so questions I could do with help on a couple of key questions int he hope that I can then figure out the others 50 Attilas sunburn had value...
Hi Im stuck on these last 3 questions 24 Too late for the jackpot say (10) rhymes with Une 30 Bird or butterfly (8) on the borderline (8) These rhyme with each other Many thanks
Hi Stuck on a few dingbats and the closing date is this week 11. RYE PITTA WHOLEMEAL There is and arrow pointing down - high lighting RAM (5,3,6) 20 Take pets (4,1,4,9) 27 KLONG9 (4,2,3,5,) Stuck on...