when painting a room i always manage to get paint on the walls whilst painting the skirting boards etc. does any1 have any tips that they use to prevent this? also im doing my daughters room in 2...
hi i have 2 kids one 3 n one 2. looking after them and keeping the house up together and housework is a nightmare. also the house is constantlg having work or decorating done as when we briught it it...
i have a 3 and hlf yr old boy and 2 yr old girl. my son used to b a good nice lil boy but lately he answers back, wont do as he is told, he constantly nags n very demanding. and plays up when were out...
hi im struggling to put weight on, no matter what i do i cant put any on. im not a big eater but cant eat when im not hungry. any1 got any tips ? im about 6 n half stone.x
hi i have one of those kettle things thats not a kettle but heats up the water, i need a new filter 4 it thou, any1 know where i can get one? its a claris filter i think.x
hi does any1 esle have this prob? i seem to wear the same day clothes all the time, i have about 3 sets of clothes i feel right in n wear. i buy new clothes but never seem to wear them. i donno y or...
hi i have mousey brown hair n tried a multi tone kit but it went yellow, i now got a light brown semi dye on it that got rid of the other colour bur now my hairs a bit darker then i like, it washes...
been with my partner 4 7yrs now n we used to b all loved up n all that, we now got 2 kids age 3 n 20months. since then the spark has long gone n my partner seems so distant n even seems not to care...