30a-Name of starship under under the command of Captain James T Kirk in the original Star Trek series (10) -O-T-R-R-S- 23d-World record breaking english middle distance runner (4) -R-M 54a-type of...
10d-transparent textile used for bridal and evening wear (7) O-G-N-A 14A- A low upholstered seat without a back, typically sued as a blanket box or storage chest (7) 'OTTOMAN'? 41D-A long thick pillow...
26d - cider made in the West Country (7) S-R-M-Y
37D-What do you call a freshwater fish of the genus salmo(5)
8D-Savoury or spicy condiment (6) R---S-...
48d-An open "palce of assembly" in ancient Greek city-states (5) A???A 44d-a stanza consisting of two successive lines of verse, typically rhyming and of the same lengty (7)??U???T 43a-brand...
7d-Colloquial name for lycra or spandex(7)E?A?T?C 51a-Decisive battle where robert the bruce leading the scots defeated the english and assured the independence ofd scotland(11)B?N?????U?N...
17a-English author who wrote the 1945 novel "Brideshead Revisted", "The Sacred & Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder"(5)?A?G? 21d-Giant cactus of the south west U.S and...
8d - Swarming grasshopper, can jump upto 70m (6) I?C?s? 34d-waterproof layer spread under a sleeping bag in a tent (11) ??O?N? S?E?T 32A- Plastic item of which, says the dept of environment, food and...
13a-region of the cranium (6)???P?E 1d-a type of edible parchament,used as base for macaroon (4,5)?I?? ?A?E 39a-decisive gun battle associated with gun fight at the OK corral(5,3)S?O?T?U? 40d-A...
22-d, informal term for a type of violet-coloured toxic liquid, for camping stoves (5) M?T?S 4D, Device for measuring electrical resistance (8) O?M?E?E? 6A, Tall and graceful breed of dog...