Please Help: 10a (6,5) French author of Adrienne Mesurat is it Julien or Julian? I assume it it is JuliEn as the clue says french author Am I correct? Thanks
Help Please 1d legal term for criminal action as compared to mens rea (5,4) ?C?U?, R?U? 15a relating to greek mathematician wo invented screw to lift water (11) ???H?M?D??? 21a resort in east france...
Help please: 19a capable of transfer (law) (9) ??I?N?B?E 20a given guarantee agaist loss (11) I???E?I?I?D 12d assorted small items (4,3,4) O?D? ??? ?N?S Many thanks
Help Please with the following: taken to recover 7d town in victoria, austalia originally centre gold mining region (8) ?A?L?R?T, 19d A physical quantity used to represent another quantity - U.S...
Help please with the following: 4d in an unqualified way (7) U?T???Y, 9d Was idle listlessly (6) ?N????, 12a In north america, out dated (5-4) ????Y, ?I?K, 14a put down (7) ??P?SIT - is it reposit or...
Help Please with just these three: 42a Council area of eastern scotland, on the north sea (5) ?N?U? 43a City and port of Lower Saxony (13) ?I?H?L?S?A?E? 6d 2nd century anti-trinitarian sectarian...
Please Help - my last one 21a Broadcasting within a small area (5,5) ?O?A? RADIO Thanks - this is the second time I've tried as couldnt find my first one!!
Help Please with my final two in Sir Lancelot and one in the Prize: Sir L 12d is it know by sight and 17d tampering -are these two correct Prize 13a Kate and ? Channel 4 situation comedy 1986-93 (5) -...
Help Please 16a under one's breath (5,4) I have S?H?O ?O?E and 25a Position of exposure (6,4) I have ?I?I?G ?I?E Please help as last two of this crossword Thanks