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to sack pastor - one in debt - show strength during contest... f---p----. This could be fireplace or fireproof but I can't see which one. Help?
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6a Notice model without hint of togs (6) 8d Topless prime time occurence (5) 12a Wonderful! I'm about to rest outside yard (8) I have poster, event and almighty for the above but can't quite see how...
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Posh car on motorway with yellow glass? I have -i-r-r and can only think of mirror as the answer but can't see how this can be right. Help!!
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Gordon 67
Last three interconnected. 18a. Fresh thinking is extensive in Nebraska, for instance (3,5) N(E)W ???A?, 23a. Lady with sex appeal gets cheer (5) S?R??, 19d. Country house in decay, City not involved...
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Please help with the last clue. 27a Song in Berlin gave false impression. L-E- Many thanks in advance....
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What do people think of the Audi TT. Thinking of getting one but friends say it's a hairdressers car!! I'm a middle aged guy. What do people think since I really like the look of the TT??
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my new addition is only 3 weeks old and already my partners side of the family have started the question of.... will we hold him back a year and put him in with the march babies and he'd be the oldest...
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Thinking of buying a cheap Saxo a 1.1 petrol or a diesel. Anyone with any experience of them who could say if they were reliable etc., and what to look out for when buying.
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are in top when reversing and go off track I think it's derail and whilst I can see that this is going off track - what's it got to do with the rest of the clue????
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Whats wrong with the woman on holbys face? She looks like a melted welly. She looks horrid. What happened to her?...
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Takes new position or just takes it easy? (7) Anyone help?
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conflict with crossing out going on (7) ??
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his lines uplift agreed, with content first used in 13 down? s-s-l-- ?
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plan again embarrassed military at wit's end..... REDRAFT but can't see why!! Millitary...RAF? Wit's end.. T? embarrassed - RED as in redfaced?? Is that it?...
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by the sound of it, spacious, cold and damp...... r---t- ??
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gives us details of such slackness.... ---s-t---
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carries underwear first, then toys.... s-d-y ----- sadly ??? Any help greatly appreciated
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Just 3d to get. "Box in which to make safe?" I have seen 3 possibilities,case,cask or cash.Any ideas which and if so why? Or a totally different word!
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means to run with mittens off

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