My dear girl, back in and we'll have a little food (6) ???N?T Be told to rest round about the end of the year (5) S??R? Saturday parking is introduced, which makes a difference (4) S??T
After a day and a quarter in France, very upset, leave (6) D????? Plant that looks like a little diamond. (6) R????? A sound indication that you're right (4) ?I??
A place up in the world of TV comedy (7) P???E?? That of an unloved product waiting to be bought in the supermarket? (5-4) S????-?I?E Arboreal hybrids occupying a top spot on board. (10) ?R?????E?S
One may drop off into them (4,2,8) ????, ??, M???H?U? A devilish dark one (9) P???C???M Caught sight of the TV? Yes, one arranged that (3,4,2) ???,???S,?N
It's put on to hide a tear, it seems (10) ??P?R????? Speaking French un petit peu (7) S???C?? Are you going to pay up? I won't ask you again! (4,6) ??S?, ??M?N?
Upset, enters sex and nationality. (7) M???E?? A man of cultivation in more ways than one? (9,6) I think it's G?N??????, ?A?M?R something FARMER He says he's responsible for the circulation (7)...
Unhappy when given an inferior role? (8) ??????S? Not water-music (8,4) ?????I?G, ?O?G Words much used by the boxing commentator - or the dressmaker (5,3,4) ??O?S, ???, E???