Series of steps needed to keep leaders of the erstwhile republic fruitless (7) S?E???E Fish with a rod, outside and inside trigonometric function (7) ??R???E
Cane ill-suited to the teachings of Christ. (10) ?????T????S Musician may help behind the back of band leader (7) B?????? Redemption kept one from drooling at the mouth (10) ?????A?I?N
Be persuaded by logic of fortune teller on sea crossing (3,6) S??, ?E???N Break from work could be a fault in tennis? (4,7) L?N?, ??????E After some sleep, head of endocrinology passes on medicine (8)...
What happens when one bank communicates with another? (5,5) ?O?E?, ????S Have for sale to this day; it's just not moving. (5-5) ?????-S?I?L something STILL Return some you catch (4) ?R??
Greet the last one sitting in the back seat. (4) ??E? Master of ceremonies to approach each entrant (7) ????E?E Pupil to step out of position. (5) ?L???