Clue:- Left base (8) ?I?I?T?R. Clue:- To pass by is hard. (6) P?R???. Clue:- A composer of colourful music? (7) ?T?I???. Clue:- Forgiving note followed by a letter. (9) ???I???V?
clue:- Bury a foot down and refuse to budge (3, 4, 4, 2) ???, O?E?, ??E?, I?. clue:-Boudoir violinist (5) ?O?E?. clue:- Turned out constantly to make hay. (7) E?E???D
clue:- Satan disguised as a generous person at the present time (5) S?N?? clue:- Where Albania introduced prohibition among other things (5,4) ??T?R ?L?? clue:- Divination, kind that is to include...
Clue:-Lose one's enthusiasm--for greenhouse cultivation. (4, 4) ?R?W ?O?? Clue:- Take liberties to grant liberty. (4, 4) ?A?E ?R?? Clue:- Old Nick went first and worked on a printer's apprentice. (8)...