Brownish-grey river in Scotland (6) ??N?E? Silly verse about pet animals? (8) ??G?E??? Drinks preventing them putting things together properly (8) ???B?E?S Island counties (3) C??
Articulating the vowels you bring into play. (3) ??E The separator, if put back to front, is dangerous. (4,4) ????, ?R?P Not happy about taking the land beside the hotel (4) ??T?
1) "The voice is good but almost inaudible" (5,6) ?A???, P?A?S? 2) Instrument for the one-man band that makes a squawky noise? (7) ???H?R? 3) Is no good. Refuses to act (4,2) ????, ?O...
1) Naive at first, he became cold (7) ??T???S 2) The shoreline! (8) ??D???R? 3) Not lily of the valley! (3) E?? 4) You fill it too full for the bumpy road, love (8) I think it's ?V?R????
1) Called, personally (4-6) S?L?, ?????? 2) In the main, she returns the love (6) ?????A 3) The row is about Doctor Wood (6) I think it's ???B?? 4) Butter being very popular with dogs (4) ??T?