Can't quite figure this last clue out (assuming I have got the rest of the grid correct). Move out (5). [M _ A _ E] Could be MOATE, but I am not convinced. Any ideas? Many thanks in advance....
Last two (assuming all the others are correct). Probably so obvious I cannot see them. Seeming queen as first inkling (5) [Q_A_ _] Knock down southern puzzle (7) [S _ _ _ T _ E] Many thanks in...
Last two have me stumped, but probably obvious.
United Nations left out! (4) [??U?]
Sang 'David's Way' as financial success. (3,7) [?D? S?V???S]
Many thanks in advance....
Just need confirmation of two answers. Variagated bank order red! (9) [C _ E _ _ _ R _ D]. I think it is CHEQUERED. Don't leave us out! (2, 3) [_ _ T _ O] I think it is US TOO, if CHEQUERED is...
Last few: Not found guilty (9) [_ C _ U _ T _ _ _] Akin with needle work (7) [_ _ _ A _ _ _] Coin in rising river is brought up (8) [_ _ U _ A _ E _] Also, I find this weird, but two clues in the same...
Pretty certain the remaining letter should spell MOUNTAIN DOG. But I have loads of letters still free at the top of the grid, but no obvious dog breeds left to use those letters up. I have BERN...
Last clue:
Old french painter's endless retrospective (4)
I have _G_D. So the answer is either AGED or EGAD, but cannot determine which it is.
Many thanks in advance!...
Last two. Both think I think are right, but need confirmation. Is Lea Shy? Island raging after fire? (4,4) [ _ S _ Y _ S _ _]. I think is ASHY ISLE, but makes not sense to me! Holder of a lease. (6) [...
My better half has put the papers in the recycling before I had the chance to input the numbers from Wednesday, 11th April. Does anyone here have a spare set of numbers I can input please! Many thanks...
Last few needed. ACROSS 9. Because lock of hair removed from stronghold. (3) [F _ R] (I think the answer is 'for', but need confirmation of this; fortress minus the tress by any chance?) 12. Duke has...
I have purchased my first ever issue of "Real People" magazine with Issue 42 (dated 26/10/17), as I noticed the random used copies in the work staff room always had half completed puzzles in them. As...
Last few I cannot get, many thanks in advance. 5a) I am put into stance and took advantage. (7) [_ _ _ _ S _ _] 10a) CND gain revised when on the floor. (7) [_ _ _ _ I _ _] (Dancing?) 5d) Begin...
I have recently been given one of these as an ex-display item. Alas it arrived in bits and the eroding assembly sheet I was given was for a completely different item. Can anyone send me a scan or a...
No one I know seems to agree on an answer. How many counties does the A38 run through? It gets sticky as some people count Bristol as a county, yet others don't. And some people say West Midlands...