I am Libra, I know it's something to do with scales but what does that really mean? what are the characteristics? when people ask you what your sign is what can they tell from that? I think being a...
who else finds it really disgusting wen women who have just ad a baby wear short tops to show of there deep purple marks, dont get me wrong iv got vague stretch marks in some places but dont go round...
we bought a second car...a big old Audi..a giant..a tank! anyway, i went to pick it up and had to put some petrol in to get home..then i was handing the tank over to hubby to do with it what he...
i was interviewing a guy once, and asked the question 'what do you do in your spare time'...he said, 'i take drugs...but honestly, only at weekends when im not working!'...think he got the job then??
Does anyone know where i can get a push up bra that pushes your boobs up instead of in! i want my boobs to be pushed up so they have rounded tops instead of in to get a cleavage! thanks in advance! xx
My girl-friend is Chinese and so far we have not had sex. Although I really want to, I keep putting it off because of not knowing what to expect physically. It is well known (I think) that as Chinese...
Hey guys.. there was a question posted a while back asking "what is Scientology"? Well I have found the answer.. Read up and tell me what you think.. Its not my cup of tea but each to there own.....
Physically, is there a part of the brain which processes the CONSCIOUS and/or UNSCONSCIOUS? Seems a silly question but everyone talks about the "unconscious mind" and when your unconscious it just...
i was having a conversation with a guy who is english when another friend who is also english came over and the pair of them stood there in front of me and had a conversation in a foreign language. my...
Hi, I've had a problem with my teeth and gums over the past couple of days, I've only really noticed it much more now as I got home. What it is is I'll randomly get a tingly pain in the bottom front...
Not too sure where to ask this question! Is there anywhere on the internet you can download 'nature' sounds - i.e. birdsong etc. Especially rain falling? I hope someone can help - thanks if you can!
I've been wondering about the laws on people Photographing/Videoing others in public without that persons consent? I've been told it's illegal if someone takes a picture of me(like on their phone)...
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset...