8ac w orn away .(8) (c???o?e?) 15ac Preparation used to immunise against a specific disease.(7) (?a?c?n?) 4d The person in overall administrative charge of a film.(*(8) (???a?c?r)
8ac Worn away (8) (c???o?e?) 15ac Preparation used to immunise against a specific desease.(7) (?a?c? n?) 17ac Supermans home planet.(7) (???p?o?) 4d The person in overall administrative chaege of a...
(8.(ac worn away(8) (c???o?e?) 15ac Preparation used to immunise against a specific disease,(7) (?a?c?n?) 17ac Supermans home planet.(7) (???p?o?) 4d the person in overall admiistrative charge of a...
29ac perform a vertical 360 degree manoeuvre in an aircraft. (4,3,4) (?0?p,?h?,????) 34ac Kevin ????n?r),film actor in The postman and Revenge (7) i 42ac Belgian town and First World War battle...
1d Margaret , unsuccessful Labour canditate in Glasgow East. (6) (C?r?a?) 17d Scots jazz dynasty that includes Ronnnie,Cathie,and Gina.(3) (r?e) 26d Bishop Devine of Glasgow.(6) (?o?e?h)
54ac Newly coined word. (9) (n?e?o?i?m) 30ac Consume ,absorb.(3,2) (e?t ?p) it may be Eat up ? 42d Innate behaviour.(*(8) (?n??t??n?t ) It may be (instinct)?
5ac Rangers boss. (6) (?a???r) 7d east lothian former mining town.(7) (??a???t) 14ac England is sometimes called the auld (e???y) ? 25d Villlage near Nairn,or religious protester Jenny (6) Could it be...
3d Flat upper part of the tongue directly behind the tip.(5) (b?a??) 4d Rutaceous fruit genus that includes the grapefruit, pomelo,etc. (6) (c?t??s) 18 and 31d Spanish winner of2008 tour de...
6d 70/- 80/-and IPA for example(5) could it be beers? 8d Meikleour is famous for its Beech ones.(6) (????e?) 25d AA huns upst Spooks actress Macdonald. {ANAG}.(6)(?h?uu?a)
4acac Town on firth iof Tay,or village at the mouth of the ythan.(8) (?p???s??) 15ac **** tat disrupts Dumfriesshire village,sometimes called Dunscore.{anag}(7) (C?t??ck) 10ac Renfrew shopping centre....
2d Keyboarboard composition designed To emphasise a certain or problem.t o emphasise a certain technique or problem .(5) (e???e) 3d Inlaid border on instrument such as a violin.(8) (p??eling) 18d...
2d unit of dry measure equal to 8 qwarts or a quarter of a bushel.(4) (p?c?) 12ac Small southern constellation south of Orion,The Hare,(5) (?e?u?) 22ac Coarse woolen cloth named after a village in...
9ac Hypothetical elementary particle that can travel faster than light.(7) (t????o?) could it be Typhoon? 15ac Positive electrode in an electrolytic cell,towards which negative particles (anions) are...