In Settings there used to be a section for MAIL in which my email accounts / addresses were listed. I can no longer find MAIL in Settings, perhaps since the latest update. Please can you... ...
When you've been messaging on WhatsApp then press Clear Chat, does that just clear the messages at your end or also for the person you've been messaging?
A handful of evil men on this planet are causing so much death and destruction and global insecurity, and other consequential problems. They are like real life Bond villains, only a lot worse.... ...
Russia has been threatening to nuke the UK, and they have the support of Iran, North Korea, and China. Some of our politicians dismiss Putin's threats as bluff and sabre-rattling. Yet he has... ...
I have multiple email accounts. On my iPhone, there are separate inboxes for each of them. There used to also be one called All Inboxes, but inexplicably that disappeared recently. How can I... ...
Guests on Loose Women today are Romesh and his mother, and the daughter of Mel B. Anyone else fed up with celebrities pushing their relatives forward, like Barney Walsh, Roman Kemp, etc?
Loads of hype surrounding Rivals On Disney +, and some famous cast members, but I cannot get into it at all. Stupid storylines, not one character I care about, just lots of OTT behaviour. The... ...
I've finally got round to watching Broadchurch, 11 years after it was made. I'd heard such great things about it, and I must say series 1 lived up to the hype, and Colman and Tennant are... ...
Anyone listening to Simon Mayo on Greatest Hits Radio now? I just tuned in so don't know if he's yet interviewed John Cleese which I want to hear. Or is that scheduled between now and... ...
No idea if this is the most suitable category for this question, but....What's the worst incident of bullying at school you experienced or witnessed or heard about?
I had definitely grown tired of Phil & Holly long before they went, but I can't warm to the new pairing of Ben & Cat - they just don't do it for me. What do you think of them, and who'd be your... ...
What year (even roughly) were parents in England first able to find out during a pregnancy what gender their baby was going to be, and at what stage of the pregnancy would that have been?
Bridget Jones' diary is one of my favourite films ever and still makes me laugh after many viewings. But I thought the two sequels were awful and totally unfunny. So now it's been revealed that... ...
Ever had a very minor bump in your car and the unharmed owner of the undamaged other vehicle has totally exaggerated the situation and claimed loads of money? If so, did you let your respective... ...