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Ray Sharpe
i need three please 32A 5 letters saudi arabian red sea port 5D 5 LETTERS Bill lead singer with the cornets 38D 5 letters weathered rock fragments at the bottom of a hillside
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just one left, 41 down student of limited means
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if i say to u vehicle neglect = car rot (carrot) bovine error = cowslip european citizen= swede ok 1) two elements of breakfast or tea 2) pollen collector having a breather 3) someone from the s.w...
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36 across point whose co-ordinates are all zero 37 down way of speaking characteristic of one group Thanks for yesterday's help Boiswood
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68. D. Belly & loins of a 4 legged animal such as a horse. ? a ? r ? l . could it be BARREL??
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Phil Ainley
35D. HOSPITAL PRIORITISATION PRINCIPLE. _ _ I _ G _ 21A Name coined for the financial policies of america in the 80s.. _ E _ _ _ N _ M _ C _. 34A Speech sound that may be heard as a substitute for the...
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20d (5) Apparatus for raising sunken ship ?A?E?.
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35a, my last one and I think I am being really thick - Figure of speech such as heart of gold, apple of my eye or all ears (5) ?D?O? Thanks
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Ray Sharpe
need two 20D Photo made by exposing paper to a negative on top of it 7 & 5 letters 23D inhabitant of gods own country 12 letters
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Last one. 25a Seattle-based rock movement of the late eighties ?r?n?e. Is this Prince?
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I think I have solved these clues, but I don't really understand how they work - could someone enlighten me? 10A This man is on target - I have "INNER". Obviously an inner is the centre of a target,...
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Last one!!!demersal species of flat fish usually found on stony bottoms from depths of 20-200 metres (5-4) ????? ???E
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Former centre of coal mining in south wales ta in advance
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Stuck on two 28a Propose marriage 3,3,8, ?O?T?E?U?S?I? (never done this) 10 d Period of inactivity at the start of the second world war 6, 3 P?O?E?W?R (assume last word is war)
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B Rubble
42a New Zealand reptile know at the Tuatara TIA B
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2 to go 39 across decorative curl as on a end piece of a violin -c o l i thing its scroll and 27 down occasion celebrated in lewis carrolls through the looking glass u b i h a i think its unbirthday...
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Which Englishman has scored most runs in test matches?
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division of the high court -u-e-s -e c -
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Ray Sharpe
33D 6 letters L - V - G - Umbeliferous plant with greenish-white flowers and aromatic fruit
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Is the answer cabbalah? In my Collins dictionary theres the exact description but no h on the cabbala or alternatively Kabbala.

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