Saturday.Cloudy...again. It's dry though, at the moment. Snowflake is still soundo. Tiggy has gone to bed. I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs. Not easy when you're trying to type. :o} Nothing on the...
Hi, Patugames the leading online games site, where you can play a huge range of free online games including Baby Games Online for Girls, Cooking Games for Girls Online, Barbie Tailor Game and many...
How much nicotine is in a Criss Cross filtered cigar, the ones that look like a cigarette and is packed 20 to a pack like cigarettes but it is a cigar that is tiny and has a filter just like a...
I know this sounds stupid but hear me out. In the U.K. when we want a cat's attention we say something like "pssst, pssst, pssst" and make hand gesture like we have a treat for it. When I went to...
Maxie when he wants affection scrapes on your arms. My skin becomes "scraped" and it can be uncomfortable. Yes he was groomed two weeks ago and nails were cut - think it is just my skin. Anybody...
I do like hearing different regional accents on programmes. However, there has popped up one in the safari prog in the mornings on BBC which I cannot listen to. She is a youngish lady with I guess... Chavs at play it appears. "Molly-Mae Wotherspoon, aged six months, was killed by an American pit bull in 2014 in Daventry,...
just heard it on news, they were talking about muslims integrating into germany and merkel now has a massive task on her hands to find a solution to the problem, they talked about the problems that...
Friday. The sky is clear, so it's looking good for a sunny day after yesterdays rain. Snowy has been out in the garden and fed. She's curled up alongside me now. I hope to get some more time in on the...
Hi, I had a new carpet fitted and it looked good when finished so he was all paid. However a couple of months down the line and it transpires the treader he put in between the sitting room and the...
than just being a link in middle of another thread.
I obtained a parking ticket from the machine and put it in window of car. When I shut the door of the car it must have made the ticket drop on my car seat so it wasnt displayed. *** law, Mr Ticketman... Whether or not one agrees with this, the woman should have known...