I'm bored. Anyone up for a quiz?
Same as No Mercy's quiz yesterday, first one to get the correct answer then asks the next question.
I'll start,
What US city hosted the 1985 Live Aid concert?...
Forgive me kayakamina, bibblebub et al. As every week, inexplicably I just can't get the very last one in each crossword, however much I think about it. 48a. Pumps carbon dioxide into predetermined...
thanks for your help,here are some more 1.scented.........stick 2.centre............manager 3.flood..............sailing 4.midnight.........media 5.roller...............board 6.electric..........
last 3 again
21a A shrub for Darjeeling?(6) ?R???A
36a Not on or carpet to fade(4) ???T
22d Hummingbird a source of irritation, one with coo (9) ??O?N???L
thanks in advance...
6d Mountaineer's secret for accessing funds among showbiz stars (8) a?p?n??? 35ac Specified interval multiplied by large amount (4,4) ???? ?l?? 20d Swift man identified as bird over stream, heading...
I'm stuck in the bottom right hand corner. 56A: Turned away, say and put out to dry. I have A?V?T?? It looks like "averted". I can see "AVER" but what's the "TED"? 51D:...
Stuck with 2 in bottom left corner: 51A Write, in a way, article full of ambition and energy (4,1) T???A. 48D Developed further, like a better mousetrap?(5) R???R. The middle letter of each is common...