can anyone tell me the title of a book about 2 modern robbers who escape from a bank and hide out in a book store only to get locked in i think they are hiding from their boss and the police many...
Is it true that in big cities like New York, Paris, London, Mexico City etc, you can't see any stars at night as the city lights are too many and bright?
Hi x I've got little fleshy lines (I'm presumind they're stretch marks) at the tops of my thighs, and wondered what the best way would be to get rid of them? Thanks xx
At work today in the nursing office (which is fairly warm) my colleague picked up a 9inch x 4inch sealed tupperware lunchbox that had been used, washed and dried and sitting on the desk for a few...
Why, after Noah's flood, did the people who dispersed to Australia take all the kangaroos, Koala and redback spiders with them but did not take any horses?
if you wanted to attach security cameras in an old building and cause minimal damage what would be the best way? is it better to drill into the mortar between bricks rather than the actual brick or...
so, we all have weird an wonderful usernames on this site - how did you choose yours, and what does it mean? i'll go first: my boyfriend always says that i make lots of random noises, so one day i...
and orders a single brandy and cigar the barman says thats amazing ive never heard a duck talk before what you doing in this area??...the duck replies im working over at the building site im a...