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26a Family's walk time put back (4) ?E?T / 26d "Anon" is name under True Love (4) ?O?N...
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3d Convert found in boozer upset minister (£,$) ??N,??E? / 4d Weak knight's eaten lentil (4) ??N? / 5d Flat pin is bent by papers (7) ??5??I?...
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1a Heir's boast : New chairman's tip has cut cost (5,6)---no letters / 10d Honestly elected? Use inquiry to get the detail (2,4,5) ??,?O??,?A???
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13d Sober and less involved in drugs? One uses solvents (3-7) ?R?-??E???? / Western top actor does for Oscar chance (10) ?C???E????
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1a Plug crack around flipping exhaust, it's flaky (4,6) ????,?????? / 12a Most amazing, inspiring attempt no-one opposed (12) ???????I?T?C / 20a Pupil uses it to work out volume (8,4) ??????S?, BOOK...
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1a Defeated in hour between public and private appearances (10) ??????R?W? / 14d Turn made by learner entering affected something on car (5,5) ?????,C???? / 27a Drew a square on their case and played...
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27a One raises yearly fee by replacing original bill (6-6). This is the last one and has to be FOSTER-PARENT. Could someone explain this please?
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3d Smug type was abrupt in bank (4-3) K???-??? / 9a Strange projections from late-starting blogger,say (9) ??R?????S
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9a Local, he's back - back in place with canals (5,3) I?N?R,?A? (inner,way ??) 8d Careful detective wants to check detail on shirt (8) D?S?C?E? (discreet ??)...
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1a Decline current appeal, they finish judgement (8) ??G???C? / 11a Strong macho types filling screen (8) ??H???H? / 10a Walkabout, this regularly changes (6) ?O?P??
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11a Old rocker's following used to be dissipated (6) W?S?E?
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14d Prepare to jump, stretch during interview (3,2,4} L??,??,???? / 17a One using wheel, boy was casually occupied (8) ??T????? / 16 Image created by in-house PR team? On the contrary (8) ???A????
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9a Loosen shirt to move to pool (5) U?I?E / 11a Kept dynamite to clear land (4) ?E?D / 5d Seal contract in Austria to supply grit (7) ??A?I?? / 20d Finding key at last, composer starts (7) ??R?I?T...
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French location having established banks in centre (9) "Provence" but why?...
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8d Polish desk to start different way of live (14) / 28a Proverb to approach taken by carefree twins on journey (4,4,4.2)
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1d Almost simple to grasp first of the food (4) E?T? Must be EATS but why ??
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Consider going on boat with day to fill (8) ??????T? / Leave single crate due to be emptied (6) ????D?...
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Spread across worktop by giant eating every filling (8) ??E?G??? / Place for messages, son aiming to cover page, chance to frame question ((8,6) ??O?????,??S?E?
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Certainly, awfully quiet boy's no ned (6,8) ????N?,????????
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Poor little fellow has little money (3,4,3) ?O?,M???,C?? / Pick up poles Mark's Stored (5)

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