My sister has just left a job and her employer over paid her by £162. The employer then e-mailed her and asked her to send him a cheque for said amount or he would take further action. Where...
Having not been paid since January and then being made redundant last week by the company going into liquidation , We are now being told that our HR information that is required to process our RPS...
I need some advice. I was at the gym tonight and whilst there was nobody else in there the manager approached me and told me she had noticed a certain body odour on me. I haven't been going there long...
My gsd has had problems with her skin about a year now, vets say its a allergy and have given her steroids injections and cream we use perscribed shampoo to, all have not really helped I have also so...
Hello guys We are thinking about going to Boston for the fall and was wondering if anyone here has been? What should we do whilst there? Where should we visit? Where should we stay? We would like to...
Did anyone watch the programme last night about the Beatles and the Cavern? Bought back some memories of the early sixties even though I never managed to get to the Cavern. Did see the Beatles three...
We are going to go to crufts this year but have not booked as yet so can anyone tell me if a daschund is classed as a hound dog or toy dog, ( 2 different days) as I would like to get as much...
Has anyone got any ideas for a plant to cover a south-facing fence? I'd rather not use a clematis, or a honeysuckle, but I would like something (ideally with flowers) that stays fairly compact against...
Can my employee force me to work notice, I have resigned and requested a specific finishing date. Obviously I do not expect to be paid for the notice period not worked. Other people have recently been...
As the house is being renovated and the whole heating system is being ripped out as its insufficient and a one pipe system. Before I jump in and just replace the oil run heating and hot water system....
What should be included in the covering letter of an application for a teaching post? The application needs a supporting statement in which I've outlined how I fulfill the person specification and how...
We are changing our sick pay procedure and payments for employees and I need to write a letter to everyone to confirm the changes. We are currently very generous with sick pay but to save us some...
my friend is off sick until 19th jan. her employer wants her back before that, or she will be sacked. Her therapist and doctor say she shouldn't return until her sick note runs out. The employers...
Why is that apparently, dogs don't like being covered up? And you guessed it, molly in all her weirdness loves her new wooly blanket, and snuggling up, on half of it and udner the other half (it's...
i have two Weimaraners, they're getting old and I'm dreading losing them in due course. To soften the blow when it happens I've been contemplating getting a puppy. Do you think this is unfair on my...