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to charityboob I recently sent castles quiz back with s.a.e plus cheque for £1 had quiz back but no new quiz wa told old come on 19th aug. but none came despite 3 e mails with no reply please tell me...
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any help -please? no1liquid or nuff perhaps no2 could this one be from Australia no3 little Wednesday with a ringing sound no letters given but are all to do with cakes or buns thanks tiffy...
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any help please no1 secure the ships tarpaulin-a walled town no2 looks as if the family car is in trouble no3 informay a revolver or pistol lwith the fourth vowel no letters given but all are types of...
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for susan rushworth have got quiz back but no new quiz with it I enclosed s.a.e plus cheque for £1 please let me know why thanks tiffy...
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any help please no1 could be emmerdale or eastenders no 2 cam be black rsolid but sway no letters are given but are all cakes yhanks tiffy...
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last one prickly seat for mother pig 10 letters its a flower 10 letters thanks tiffy...
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help please no1 it gets better on its own 8 letters2or cost of a dockland essential 10 letters thanks tiffy...
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sorry found some more no15 Williams alter mater 2 7 letno29 stevensons bird 5 letters no 39could be a race for fried spuds 9 letters thanks tiffy...
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help please? no7 marks and sparks horse letters no19 beside a lock 8 letters no22 kingmaker 7 letterhanks tiffy...
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sorry last question should read wise king eats fish 12 letters thanks tiffy...
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any help please no coloured food for the coldest days no letters given no2 womans fashionable outerwear 11 letters no3 wise king e12 letters thanks tiffy...
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any help please? no1 exotic pollinater 9 letters no2 youll findin the uppur house 14 letters no3 stick of precious metal 9 letters thanks tiffy...
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any help please ? no1greast tea 9 letters no2 well dressed lion king 9sweeper of sawdust 13 letters thanks tiffy...
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any help please no1 bribed 6 letters no2 Uriah rotting 1 no3 summer tool for rough grass 5-8 letters all are garden tools thanks tiffy...
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any help please/ no15 a little stream follows gold 6 letters no 26 do robins eat any dried spiders as starters 6 letters no 34 rodent around the south 6 letters no 40 shakespearian character gets 50 5...
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any help please @ no1 could be red or grey6 letters no2 Chinese gangsters letters no 3 depressed and flush 4-5 letters all are connected to hair thanks tiffy...
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does he work for the queen ?6 letters town in herts 6 letters clare perhaps 7 letters thanks for any help tiffy...
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has anybody had xmas quiz back fro susan rushworth yet ? thanks tiffy
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could anyone tell me if they have had xmas quiz back from susan rushworth as I haven't put s.a.e +&1 cheque in but not received it back any help ? thanks tiffy...
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has anybody had trouble with wordsearch ? I cant find two answers and remaining word don't make sense thanks tiffy

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