to charityboob I recently sent castles quiz back with s.a.e plus cheque for £1 had quiz back but no new quiz wa told old come on 19th aug. but none came despite 3 e mails with no reply please tell me...
any help -please?
no1liquid or nuff perhaps
no2 could this one be from Australia
no3 little Wednesday with a ringing sound
no letters given but are all to do with cakes or buns thanks tiffy...
any help please no1 secure the ships tarpaulin-a walled town no2 looks as if the family car is in trouble no3 informay a revolver or pistol lwith the fourth vowel no letters given but all are types of...
any help please
no coloured food for the coldest days no letters given
no2 womans fashionable outerwear 11 letters
no3 wise king e12 letters thanks tiffy...
any help please/ no15 a little stream follows gold 6 letters no 26 do robins eat any dried spiders as starters 6 letters no 34 rodent around the south 6 letters no 40 shakespearian character gets 50 5...
any help please @
no1 could be red or grey6 letters
no2 Chinese gangsters letters
no 3 depressed and flush 4-5 letters
all are connected to hair thanks tiffy...
could anyone tell me if they have had xmas quiz back from susan rushworth as I haven't put s.a.e +&1 cheque in but not received it back any help ? thanks tiffy...