19 across: Those willing those willing to assess a rock singer's debut. Might have gone wrong somewhere else but so far I have T?S?A?O?S. All help gratefully accepted! Thank you
This one has me stumped! 1d Problem in hospital: hunger. I have H?T?H think it could be hitch but then it could be hutch! Any offers of help gratefully accepted!
Could do with some help, please, on last 3:- 31 ac - warm-blooded swimmer's inferior balance giving nothing away. I have P?R???S?E 44 d - take attention off university errand boy crossing street...
i have parsley, basil, mint and thyme growing in pots on my kitchen windowsill and they all seem to be affected by white fly. I don't want spray them with chemicals so can anyone suggest any tried and...
totally stuck! 50a standing with boy at front of a church during carol 10 letters - I have s?o?a?h?n? and 56a see about turing back rain-lashed vessel 7 letters - I have s?e?p?e - any help gratefully...
can anyone help with 8a coat regularly cut in bear with red hair - I have c???o?y and 2d drug resistance isinvolved in biting - I have a???d Thanks in advance
help please! stuck on 20d some cuban is happiy in exile and 19a insurance initially annulled being not young enough. thanks in advance - then I can go to work happy!