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answer to 'a sternutation'?
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Will I have any problems receiving something that I have ordered from ebay which comes from Thailand? It is a set of mounted butterflies. Are there any regulations or species protected by law that I...
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76. female jockey 89. a drinking toast 7,2 95. speedy naval vessel,designed to protect convoys from submarines...
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On Wednesday in our final 1:1 session a student asked if we could write some limericks. We talked about the form of the poem, number of lines, rhyming pattern, syllable count and so on and then I...
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For months now I have had problems with my neck. It crunches and clicks when I turn my head and the pain from it radiates down to the trapezium muscles in my shoulder. I just keep taking ibuprofen...
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we have a nice ceramic floor in the kitchen but our old dog can't walk on it anymore, she is loosing the strength in her back legs and keeps doing the splits, is there anything that we can treat the...
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Can anyone please identify this bird? He/She starts up at 04:00 every morning without fail and then goes quiet at around 04:30 once all the other birds have started singing. I never hear it again...
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Yeah! I got a best answer nomination. Is there a prize? And.......... I think I'm getting very good at spotting the owls and the trolls. Is there a discernable differece or are they one and the same?...
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A housemate who was quite secluded and a bit of a loner has just moved out and left a plastic tub in the cupboard which my friend when we was cleaning the room unfortunately found when she opened it...
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An in depth survey (ok - a few quiet lunches) has revealed that 5 out of 5 female ABers drink pints. Personally I like that - a lot :+) But I have another female friend (yes I do, honestly) who would...
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I'm now glued to the t.v. watching Springwatch live webcam. The nuthatches are about to leave the box.
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I live in Richmond and my garden backs onto the thames, we have an outside aviary which is attracting a group of 7-10 large males every evening who seem hellbent into disrupting and scaring our...
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Dont know whats wrong with me lately but I keep forgetting things. Anyway I have just made a lasagne, browned mince and onions, popped tom soup in, and puree. Was about to put in dish and realised I...
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I was amazed yesterday looking on ebay, you can dog strollers - dog shoes - dog carriers -...
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Now that the left have nailed their entire political argument to Pie gate, do you think that every party from now on should have a section in their manifesto on the handling of finance for pies and...
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sex goddess
5a Wife caught breaking beam put out by PC device. W?B?A?
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Am really enjoying this series, even Mr Smow is pretending that he is letting me hog the remote but he secretly likes it me thinks lol
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clues please for no.28, What a special present (4 letters) thanks very much...
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Can anyone point me to some unusual, interesting potato recipes ..... especially to go with slow roast lamb shoulder. TIA
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to roam free till about 10pm, then they got back in pen/run hen house. They roam in the fields and wood. Now the question is, this morning we had a call from one of our friends whom we give eggs to,...

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