I have a friend and her daughter coming round tonight and they have never had haggis, so I though with Burn's Night tomorrow, I'll do a Scottish themed evening. We have the holy trinity of haggis,... ...
From the BBC website: Two sets of twins aged 3 and 4 left alone in a locked house whilst their mother went shopping, died in a fire. The house is said to have been filthy. Poor little kids. She... ...
Help please Caused by worry (8) 2/ Run away ( 4.4) 3/ Making progress ( 7) 4/ Helpful current of air ( 4,4) 7/ Self willed ( 10) 23/ All over ( 4,2,4) 25/ One in the news ( 9) Thank you...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cvged0x5ykxo //Sainsbury's also plans to make a 20% reduction in senior management roles, saying the business faces a "particularly challenging cost... ...
Following on from my blood pressure medication post, has anybody been on bendroflumethiazide? I'm worried about needing to wee all the time, especially because I teach, and I really can't stop my... ...
The digital kitchen scales we've had for, perhaps about twenty years, is just giving up the ghost. i.e. the feet are coming adrift. All sorts at all sorts of prices offered on Amazon etc. Is anyone... ...
Just watching my grandson eating his dinner . Brings to mind when I were a kid and used to leave till last the favourite bit of a meal , to savour . Were you the same ?
17 Buy fresh at southern spin, a locale for theatres. 11, 6 letters 41 Dr Who write Steven to go round and round in Dumfrieshire, 6, 4 letters Moffat ? 60 US magazine goes to e.g.London with plank... ...
Had a couple of hours of great jamming today, and thought I would log into AB and see if all the moaning had stopped, naa more moaning than an old peoples home, so I'm going to start planning my... ...
Thought I'd let you all have a lie in lol. Another dark, grey & damp day here - looks like evening already. Very miserable. Need to do some work and deliver a few items this afternoon. And then we... ...
Earlier today, I went to collect some laundry from the baskets. Walking downstairs, with an arm ful of Mr T's clothes, I thought, I'd recognise that smell anywhere. Suddenly, into my head popped a... ...
Waiting for us this evening, Delias, a giant one. Not sure what to have with it, maybe just some sourdough bread to mop up the juices, and a glass of wine. A bit of sticky toffee pud for afters if... ...
I'm meant to be going for breakfast this morning with my friend but I've had a bad stomach and was sick last night was also meant to be going on a date tonight but feel abit better now.