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6d European politician has links with dead men (7) Emp + ties. I can see that it is 'empties' and I've heard the barman ask if these bottles (the empties) are 'dead' - but 'dead men'? Has anyone heard...
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1d Averse, in the establishment, to dress up. Can anyone see why the answer to 1d is CLOTHE? I can see that 'loth' in the middle means 'averse'; where do C and E come in? Help please . . .
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Any help with explaining why the answer to 23a is 'taste' please? Clue: Discrimination, say, first taken to heart(5). I can see that the first letter of 'say' is taken to the heart of the answer - but...
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Puzzled about the wordplay on these - any help please? 1d is 'tabu'. How is this reached from 'Heartless killer surfacing is ostracised'? I can see 'tabu' = 'ostracised' but where's the heartless...
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Stuck on last one (for me). 17d Dependant, hanger-on (6) - L - E - T. Any help please?
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9d (no clue for it) (5) N - N - - - Possibly N - N - T - if 16a is TEAT. Could anyone familiar with this puzzle please help?
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Could you look at the question of mine that you answered? I should like a little more help please . .
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Could people kindly look at my original question on Spectator 1915 - about the letters 'AIRBENDS', as I'm still puzzled . . .
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29a My double bet may be on this (3 - 3). Seems to be 'gee-gee'. How does that mean 'double bet'? 54a Secret society given the backing of a kingdom (5). Seems to be 'Tonga' which is a kingdom, but...
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Something else bugging me about this one . . . I have AIR-BENDS made from the removed letters, which seems to have more to do with the bends from deep-sea diving, than inebriation. But then, I don't...
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Still on this one! What does it mean when it says 'Unchecked and cross-checking letters in all nine unclued answers could make AA MAN FAIL and SLAKE BOOZER? If it's what I think it MAY mean, of such...
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Thanks to great help from Novalis, I have proceeded a lot, but still more probs to solve. If 'the removed letters spell out . . . a word (hyphenated) . . .', and what I've got is: A I R C E N D S,...
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The first of my difficulties is that the setter says there are eight answers with one letter too many for the space, but I can only find seven:- 11a, 16a, 25a, 2d, 3d, 20d & 30d. Am I missing...
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Are other people getting this phrase '"' all the time, or is it only me? Is there something wrong with my computer? If your are (getting it), what does it mean? Very puzzled . . .
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Got it all (1a Buccal was hard . . .) Am I the only one who didn't know this word?? My questions are, as usual, HOW are the following the right answers? 14a seems to be Dad's Army. DA is the 'lawyer'...
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I'm fairly new here, & was thinking of asking 'what does a 'thread' mean?' But I think I see what it must be now, seeing the kerfuffle over STimes 4328 has stretched to 20 answers!
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All finished but not v. happy with 4d. Clue is: Divorced some time between Thursday and Tuesday. Answer seems to be 'unwed'. I can see that 'wed' may mean Wednesday, but where does 'UN' come from? Any...
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13d is SCALLYWAG. Entirely = 'all', unknown - 'y', comedian = 'wag', but where do the 'S' and 'C' come from?
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Got it all but, as usual, a couple I can't see how they are worked out. 1d is SIGMA. Clue is 'Character going to extremes in Sophocles (5). Why please? Of course it's a Greek character and so is...
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One more question about the Spectator X-word that Greyfox attached: 16a answer is TIRE. This is OK for 'pinafore' and 'dress' (according to Shorter Oxford Dict.) but how does it fit with 'train'?...

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