Sorry I have been out of the loop for a couple of weeks, a fortnight ago today I became a grandma, a difficult birth and last week I lost my brother-in-law, but hopefully I can concentrate on this...
please help, having a senior moment, and slow cooking belly pork ( just for Lie-in king ) 21a a catholic 17th century England 8 24a the main antagonist in Orwell's nineteen eighty four 6 a beginner's...
I must be feeling a bit tetchy today, as the guy who is playing is far too old to be wearing his silly necklace, and it's annoying me, perhaps I need a stiff drink or switch off
Last two before I take a look at Sir Lancelot
27d leading poet of beat generation 8
35a one whose doctrine etc 10
Thanks in advance, and it's chicken and leek pie for dinner lie-in king...
Just heard Paul McCartney and Neil Diamond sing, they were awful. They both have so much money, that they really should give up. Both were good in their time, but that is not now
I have just seen the funniest advert for a TV show, boasting that the Titanic was built in Britain, not something to be proud of, surely, even my Son picked up on it!!