I have flu and no it's not man flu so need some help please 9a render ineffectual by routine 8 18a not spoiled 11 17d compound from putrefying animal tissues 8 Thanks in advance I might be back later
sorry any help with following would be appreciated: 1d Food of the gods in classical mythology? (8) 3d French acrobat who crossed the Niagara Falls on a tightrope? (7) 20d Original Panhellenic...
MoS Crossword - last two - 4d Ancient town in Galilee & 1a Ancient Jewish mystical tradition based on Old Testament interpretation!!!! - can anyone help out - THANKS - Goldblend
last two please help 9a ancient jewish mystical tradition based on old testament interpretation (8) ?a?b?l?h 4d town in lower galilee (8) ?a?a?e?h. thank you in advance
Can anybody help please: 16a City in East Washington, home to a native American tribe *p*k*n* 19a Food Additive recognised by the European Union *n*m*e* Many thanks - these are my last two