Why was my last question banned????? they all get to be mean to each othe and threaten each other on other threads but my thread of my leg and who i want him to be (lol) gets banned????? r there AB...
Well are you all in a good mood tonight? coz you really do know how to scare folk off ! just on tonight and thought before i check out any threads (and be scared to put my opinion forward) i'd check...
Can anyone recommend a spiritualist medium in the ayrshire area that do home visits for a group of 5 to 10 people. and any idea what a reasonable charge is? the lady who used to visit my mum would...
big snow..wee snow; wee snow .. big snow. we've got wee snow but its still not laying :( beginning to think that saying of my dear nana is well flawed :(
My friends child is 2 and a half and has been walking for a while now. I have noticed he falls over ALOT! when i spent an hour with them the other day he fell over 4 times. not over anything just...