Hi, Im retiring soon and Im planning a trip to America in October. I have booked my airline tickets to New York. I am staying 2 nights at the Waldorf Astoria ( Once in a lifetime chance) Then I am...
7d. Demanding princess, very noisy one, joining sect(9) d-----u-t 8d. Assume chamber to be in session(5) p---- 10d Part of pantomime rugby player and daughter enjoyed right from the start(12)...
9a. Cheerful employee in fast food joint(7) 16a Asian leaders (but only one european) assembled in Italian town(11) 26a Fall for Lucy Cavendish(10,4) 47a Like a man of principle. English cleric bacs a...
1d. Red rings that all may see for miles and miles in place of rainbow (5,4) t 8a. Overheard one clashing with partner in English drama (9) 39a. Its wheels fit- thinking that even components work...
6d. material for pocket.(11) starts with A 8d. One habitual drinker's poor-no change wherever he looks in this state.(8) i-----p- 29ac. A classical law associated with procedure thats rocky(11)...
30a Unruly chief, one in party of africans. (8) 34d. not keen on exploit involving border thats remote. (3,3,3) 48a. Military commanders Welsh division(10) 33d. Cooking utensil split after trying to...
1ac. In shape and almost completely relaxed(8) s-f-t--- 4d. Opposition to the church causing unrest in Italian circles before mass(15) ends in ism 13d.Two bridge players wanting a quiet game of...
21ac. Policy on past attribution(6) by---e Is it byline with 22d insincere? 30ac. Bay horse I had to run almost backwards.(8) --r-l-a- 23d. Separated with tact in speech(8) -i---e-e 52d It might be a...
48AC. Cultural identity of the new Belfast? (9) h is 3rd letter. 34d. A nameless type who is amorous and sweet smelling(8) starts with a. 32d. To get engaged to a female with funds one knight rides...
very tough today. Less than a dozen done so far. Need a kick start. 7a. Some object when poor seal's led a dance 911) 16a. Emperor's independent declaration in short article(8) 11d Forty five could...
38ac. Arouses fashionable dreamers in university city(8) in-p-r-h (perth?) 10d distressful earthquake just reaching the news media(13) --a-t-e-a-ing 36d Political writers dim supporter right to limit...
18D Woman loved a Turk at first, then a Latin one turned up. (9) i a o-h-- 37d. Plant claimimg matter is related(9) t-----t-- 34d. Hymn to hard times?(11) rock ?? 46ac. Girl losing head swigging...
Last 3. 47d. Unthinking response from judge supported by classic law(6) ---l-- 52d. Dutch artist Germans pronounced ribbish we hear(5) --s-- 51ac. Regular visitor some put in the shade.
3d. What he will do with me, but I wont do with you(5) r---e 21ac. Suspicion leads to short outburst in court by criminal(7) s---c-n 53ac. Get out of being put back into weighted average(5) o-a-e Can...
16ac. Satellite dish---its punk (7) 22ac. Orange spaniel (8) 32ac. Use hole, burying differences, maintaining friendly relations (11) 27ac. Slope beneath rampart - it needs to be removed from exercise...
29d. Old letter Scotsman's holding for Peggy(8) a-----f- 30d Woman's stocking clique: some may be in fishnet(8)h-----g- 47ac Shy girl hasn't flourished; she's engaged in self pity? (8) 57ac After...
25ac. acknowledging failure to achieve one hundred after a game.(10) a-o-o-e-a- 39ac. Writing off value a month before it is invested in share.(12) --o-t-s----- 49ac. I see key lies in worn0out...
5ac. Work for a long time without commission. (9) f---o-age 10ac. A jumpy creature, mostly in shock. (4) ---o 37ac. Evidence of disease you notice on tip of vegetable. (7) --e-p-t 41d. Governor taking...