Even he must realise how useless the chancellor is. Another 4 years of this and we're doomed. You'd think the PM would at least leave himself the... ...
I found this by accident. I hope that you find some of them funny. ...
My heart bleeds for the multi-millionaire film stars who have lost one of their many homes in the conflagration (as covered incessantly on news channels) - no-one seems to care about the ordinary... ...
If I bought in-ear (Bluetooth wireless earbuds) can I use them whilst away from WiFi, there is no mobile signal in my village, I would like to use them out walking with music on my iPhone 14? The... ... Right oh love, were they wrong to abandon ship when the titanic hit an iceberg... ...
Burn, Baby, burn... Do you think that Trump will cravenly admit that so-called Glocal Warning is actually Trew? Make America Grate Again! (This in response to HolyWood going up in smoke. Last I saw... ... She's right she did not crash the economy, the Labour chancellor is doing that right now. Truss budget was never implemented and even if it was it's... ... We are going down faster than a mono ped doing the okey cokey. How far must we fall before the PM takes action? Clearly the chancellor is clueless. ...
Any help with my last few please, answers are Famous People. 4. Keep fit here in an old persons home in the Whitechapel postcode area. 28 The French version of this frank diary of WW11 can be... ...
I watched the first episode of this mini drama last night. Both chilling and shocking. Is anyone else watching? ... The bond prices have reach above what they would have done the Truss budget had been implement yet the silence is deafening. Truss was hounded out... ...
I'm copying and pasting links but they're appearing as text rather than as a clickable link. I have both Edge and Chrome - same effect. Any advice would be... ...