11 across fanciful and poetic name for ireland [9] i-n-s---l, 15a nymph name used in communications to represent a letter of the alphapet [4] ----, 23a one of many versions of the name of eirn in the...
7 across familiar initials describing any of several notable irish educational establishments [3] c-s, 9 militant zionist underground group active chiefly during the period [1917-48] of british...
9 across type of ranger,a young person, especially a girl,with homes in london and the country and noted for expensive informal clothing.[6] ----n-,4 down a member of ascetic jewish sect that existed...
74 across rewriting,[7] -d-t-n-, 85a flurry [5] s-a-e, 8down [8] ancestor -e-e-e-r, 26d another name for the star of the show [7,5]leadingl----, thanks anyone
12 across a person or thing that brings bad luck [[6] -o-d--, 23 across an ancient galley having two banks of oasrs.[6] -i-e-e-, 3 down italian immigrant, charles who operated irelands first organised...
19 across in ancient irish law,compensation paid by the killer to the family of the victim,[4] -r-c,23across lungworm disease affecting cattle,sheep and other farm animals,[5] h-o-e,2 down the french...
11 across- females of the animal described by poet william blake,as burning bright [9] t-g-e-s-s,28across bird,possibaly long-tailed,of a small stocky woodland species with short,stout bills,[3]t-t
22 down chick-lit author who became a mother for the first time this year [6,6] m---s-m-c---, 56 down niece of oscar winning actress,filiming new movie valentines day together [4,7] --m-r--er-s, 59d...
9across a member of an eastern church that is in union with the roman catholic church but maintains its own liturgy discipline and rite [5] u-i--3down in british dialect ,a close fitting linen or...
across 1, popular name of the 17t centuary historians who produced a famous annals a chronicle of the history of mediaeval ireland,[4,7] f-u -- s----,9a, a member of an eastern church that is in union...
across 25, irish weekly newspaper specialising in news reports and comment in cavan area [5-4] a-g-o-e--,26, pertaining to the vascular tunic of the eye comprisig the iris choroid coat and ciliary...
across [13] especially in ancient greece and rome,a building for musical performances , once popular name for many ciemas [5] o---n, 29across [] the study of china and all related aspects of that...