help please-still stuck 14a stunning female felt undressed,covering mound's vulnerability 8,4 starts A 18a one making signs to a cute girl's crushed 12 ???T???????? 5d literary dame to settle in...
All the answers are fish
1. Altered skin hole before bird of prey
2. Flour grinders digit
3. Slipped but stirred
4. Young animal has extra letter
5. Tubular one
Many thanks...
Q1 a first for cd (8, 6) q2 by far a christmas special (4, 7) q3 antelope disperal a sign of individuality (12, 5) q4 stimulate (3, 4) q5 cambodian revolutionary (3, 3) thanks for help...
all answers contain a first name
a bizarre designer?(7 5 )
a Scottish daddy long legs (5 7)
a massacre took place here in 1918(12)
AKA amilovest (7)
thank you for any help...
Please can anyone tell me if they have had their marked quizzes back yet.? The quiz/was called "The Food of Love" and the closing date was 6th April . I sent my entry in in plenty of time. - I just...
answers are either animals reptiles birds or fish / sorry to be such a pain in the butt . need help again please 1 piscine avian 4 5 letters / could be fish something 2 boast/ gleeful satisfaction 4...
All answers are either a herb or a spice. A dancing mouse? Well-almost (8): Is Roy very well turned out? (7): Vigour for each (6): and The fruit and the wheat, maybe? (5.5) Thanks for any help
Yet another commemoration - this time 70 years of the Atlantic campaign Given that WWII lasted about 5 years by the time you've commemorated a VE day anniversary...
Answer is a thoroughfare: 1. Is this one full of worms? Answer has the word 'tee' in it: 2. Last link in a chain I have checked and the last question has been asked several times before but I failed...