8/12a Outclass England for a change? Thats one for St Anthony (4,5) 18a A result for the prosecution-even if expected (6,2,7) 10a such an extensive study can be hrd to swallow (8) ?????O?? 28a D and E...
25D The objects over there 5 t???e
30A Openly affectionate couple 9 ???e?i???
10D Sence meaning 4 ?i?t
11D Eye to the future 3-11 far-s?g?t???e?s
42A Cable free internet 2-2 ?i-?i...
All the answers are british comedians can anyone please help? would be much appreciated... 7. a rabbit under the house 5,7 17 square thoughts 7,7 32 vegetable balls 6,6 44 chase that footballer 7,5...
13across cutting gnashers 8 ????h???
4 down ?u?t?? rush headlong 6
6 down ?u?n?? moving fast 7
9down ?o???g?loaf traditional english bread variety 7,4...
Hi everyone, I need some help to get me started this week! firstly on the win without finishing puzzle. 2D Visibly 10 letters. 17D move petulantly 7 letters ?L?U???. 15A unfamiliar,alien quality 11...
can anyone help me please, do you know the solution to the following,
toy used for making explosions (c-e-i---y-e-) and trait, charactectic (-u-l---)
can you help please...
Afternoon all, I can't believe I can't see the answer to l down, unless I have something else wrong. six letter, clue 'Pool' I have ?A?O??. Thanks in advance for help....