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Are violins handed? I am right handed and tried to learn to play the violin, without success, my friend wants to try and learn but is left handed, can my violin be strung to make it left handed?
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My friend has couple of black pop eyed goldfish (Black moors??), they have started just laying on the bottom for hous on end usually in the same place, is this normal? other than this they seem fine
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There was a video that used to play on mtv in the 80's where the singers head was super imposed onto a nodding dog in the back of a car that was driving around a city, anyone know what the track was...
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I have recently had a very long text exchange that I would love to save, is it possible to get the exchange out of the phone and into print?
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Found this old tune that i am sure was the theme tune to some tv show in 60s or 70s but cannot remember the show.
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My mum used to say, if i was sat awkwardly that i was " sat there like an Oagie pogie" What the hell is an Oagie pogie, and are they well known for sitting in a strange manner?
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I am late forties and have the strange urge to learn to play the fiddle, the urge became so strong today that it lured me into a music shop and made me buy an instrument that makes horrific sounds....
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I am thinking about helping both my kids to get on the property ladder by buying 50% of their first home with them as they are not earning enough to pay a full mortgage. The idea is that we buy a...
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If it wasn't for vanetian blinds, It would be curtains for the lot of us.
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My dogs a springer around eight yrs old, usually stays in the house allday so i bought a new kennel, put in her favourit blanket but she doesn't use it. there is no creosoat smell and its the correct...
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After my last big bill from my supplier ( p****gen ) I contacted them to find out why it was so large, the girl on the phone mumbled something about rising energy costs etc, nothing could be done etc....
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I have two computers in my house the one in the office that I used to setup my Anwerbank Login etc can login But my laptop which is connected to the net via the same wireless router will not connect,...
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How do digital scales work? I have a broken set of domestic kitchen scales and it looks like a small pcb measures how much an alloy rod with holes in bends.
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I recently dropped some digital kitchen scales and they fell apart, to my surprise there is hardly anything inside. As far as i can make out a small printed circuit measures how much an aluminium rod...
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In the early 70s there was a program on tv possibly called out of the unknown and the theme music was someone whistling a tune, does anyone know the program, or music, or where its available from?

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