Pound or penny increase! (7) The boys Mr. Quelch had to transfer (6) Is preceded by a fellow dandy (6) Holes plugged by a saint on North Sea fuel burners?93-4)
Examinations entailing bites round penis detailed (8) m?t????? Was on manoevres with females, so removed from board? (4-3) ?a??/?f? After U-turn, sod all to protact uranium power plant(5)
Rather doubtful ex-PM should get a stretch (4,4) Complaint from guy pissed with Labour's extremes (5) Examinations entailing bites round penis detailed (8) Not on the staff unleashed on prick (4-5)
Balls' protector, mass of hair on top, who's out to wind up listeners (5,4) ?????/?o?k Round figure accepted by stupid prat in key part of a big company(9)
Conservative Neal's outburst (very English): "Country surrounded by bloody foreigners"! (7) Cameron's main function to keep in check Clegg's core, vernacular language (6) They stand by bets,...
Endlessly mouth disapproval at Cameron's past record? (7)???t??? Brooks singularly pursuing Murdoch's title "Red top producer"? (7) S???u?n I was thinking 'sunburn' not sure why....