1 right man so wrong for hostage payment 6 2 voluntarily assumed contrived films so deep 4-7 3 team messing about in huge gathering 4-7 4 ring following trouble with reset music system 6 5 west...
58down 10letters (4,3,3)
Clue. Helpless
Cryptic. Like the drunk wanting a drink but destitute.
Cryptic.'cut the cackle' he had added
Last one. 1d - very much cake, case of forty or fifty eaten up. (2, 3)
I have B? P?R
I had thought By/Far and then got PEAKE to give P as the middle letter.........
Can't parse 6ac "steal identity of chat room contributor" (4) which I think is Nick or 6dn "maybe one lodging soldiers within grand European city" (9) which I think is Nuremberg or 14ac "jeans...