Hi, looking for a few - 1A (6) a stubborn type, first to exhibit charm ?m???t
20A (8) sweet arum - is it horrible ???a?i?u 5A (6) animal about to hug payee b???e?
Last two I'm stuck with
12a fancy leaders of radio appear after jingle 7 letters
I'm thinking chimera but can't parse it
9d once return service 6 letters
Any ideas please...
Can you please help me following many thanks 36a folding seats for use out of doors 10 letters 35 a to attack 2 and 4 letters 28d Large bird of prey of Europe, asia and north America with bluish grey...
4d celebrity gossip (4,7)????,d?o??? 18a way to move text 3,3,5) 21a labouring machine or person (9) 9a natural light (8) 16d wearing a grimace(8) 17d taken aback (8) ?????l?d 15d without ene ,(9)...