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Hi everyone the last one no longer appear in recent posts... today. Thank you Canary for taking the helm over the past Month 👍 Many know how to play and new players are always welcome, they isn't... ...
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22a Area stripped of sugar beet refined for sizeable corporations (4,4) B?E? , G??? 16d Worked at firm close to that railway town (6) ?i?C?? 10a Car's oscillating movement acceptable (5) W?G?? 7d... ...
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1a Hot shed in hut fire (4) S?C? 23a  Commanders our company rejected (4) ?G?S 18d Hollow posts mounted on stone providing support in mine (5) S?C?? 5d Lapwing is bird holding wings of white up... ...
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1, starchy food on web 3 6 letters,   2, thrown in field events is back on   10 letters, 3,  them ailments cause pain internally  5 letters,   4, up to scratch as almost old 7 letters,  5 , panel... ...
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Remus                      Tlas
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Composer left a trifle (6) I have ?al?a?
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2d Funny about exclamation of disgust in beginning to eat remedial product (5,8) ??U?H, ????????            Cough Medicine?   8d Make clothing for a swimmer (6)  ?A?L??                         ... ...
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Stuck on a few of these - no letter count. WORDS WITH BANK IN THE ANSWER 2. Raiders - ? ? 3. Reliable - ? 4. Sanguine - ? 21. Depose, get rid of ANSWERS ARE REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS 9. Sounds like a wood... ...
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4a In the dog-house for interrupting long, well-rehearsed speech with an interjection (7)  ??A?I?L  Is it SPANIEL? But a[art from being a dog breed - I don't get it? 4d What skipper of fancy yacht... ...
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I have only seen one but there may be others. Consequently, I have bought some lavender joss sticks to burn in the garage so that the mice pack their bags and clear off. Apparently, mice hate the... ...
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I'm stuck on just one clue this time as follows: "Stick around - it's crazy (4)" I have _A_S. My thanks in advance for any solutions offered.  
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10 Across. It's  a very old song called 'Crazy about a girl' 8 ?A?R? G?L
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16 Across. It's a long story about strong men out east in the old days (4) A?A?
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Anyone get 41a? More attractive espalier reinstalled around top of hedge (9).   ???P??IE?
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7d Publication once popular with young males ?A?  M?G 11a Brooks in old garden G???H 8d Tree gardens ???O?U?A thank you all in advance
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PLease help with 25 across.Clue is:Democrat-type houses cross 5 letters. I have R????.Thanks a lot
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Pleaase help with 23 across.Clue is : Unseemly,*** Republican gets smack 4,5 letters.I have P???    ??S?E.Coul it be POOR TASTE? How does it parse? Many thanks.
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Me, and my aunt moved into a neighborhood a couple of months ago. My aunt told me that a few nights, she heard the neighbors screaming at eatchother. Then last night she said it sounded like... ...
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3dn a New York institution for one one in particular (7) ? ? Y ? ? ? Y 4dn Treasury's coffers somewhat depleted - gulp (5) ??o?? 8dn Unstable person taking d rugs, making comeback (8) ?E?P?N??
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help please-all have extra word in clue-please parse 6a throw old man aboard craft away from the others 4 15a equine tense on baleful pass 4 20a fat and thin kids maybe work by river locations 9... ...

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