Answer is: things found in and around the house (9 letters)
Would this make the graffiti artist even more likely to get to work
Any help, greatly appreciated
The answer is a trade or occupation;
Outdoor sport - a covered container?? Could it be golf (thinking of cady as in golf cady)
Examine a candidate
Any help greatly appreciated...
1. Tell the athlete to move to his activity (7)
2. Where Pirates land maize (7)
3. This would almost certainly not please the serious wine drinker (7)
Any help greatly appreciated, thanks...
All the answers are 'occupations', thanks for any help A potentially lethal instruction to a recalcitrant soldier (7) Looks and sounds like he is always meticulous in his work (9) A giver of promises...
What image adorned the first american christmas card?
When did the post office first frank letters with the slogan "Post Early for Christmas"?
Many thanks...
Doing a local quiz, answers are all to do with Darlington, Co Durham "The footbridge over the railway line from Albert St used to go right across to the back lane of Pensbury St. When was it...
Eg. _O_E_ _U_EU_ (northern england) = Bowes Museum _ I _ _E_ Castle (northern england) _ _ A _ _ _ E _ _ (southern england) _ A _ _ O _ A _ (northern england) _ I _ _ I _ _ _ U _ _ _ (southern...
This answer is something you find in the garden, could be gardening equipment, plant/flower, insect etc etc
"Mare worth a flutter, but not at the races" (9 letters)...