Would it be wise to not wear the Hijab?...
Obviously the Democrats will have a post mortem but does this not show the whole establisment needs one? On both sides of the pond. Michael Moore the US left winger and Clinton Supporter correctly... We've have 6 months of howling and wriggling from the SGB but it seems there are some remain voters that regret not voting...
Anyone watch this? What did you think? I found it incredibly sad, training kids to fire guns etc. The general public with no skills feeling that they need to buy deadly weapons. It's just sad...
Well done, you've been knocking on that door for some time I always knew it was in the team to beat NZ.... Don't these pro EU Liberal judges realise what they have done? Perhaps if they came down out of their ivory towers occasionally and visited their country...
UKIP's work is mostly done, we just need you so stop these treacherous popinjays from welching on the Referendum vote....
For six months we have watched ever more squirming from the SGB, now pro EU judges have ruled that parliament must approve brexit. We know that many MPs are remainiacs. if they somehow contrive to...
Age: Nicholas Maduro - Venezuela
Education: Uhuru Kenyatta - Kenya
Time in the job: Recep Tayyip Erdogan - Turkey...